Psychonaut Presents #2 is FOR SALE!

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Issue #2 of my comic series, Psychonaut Presents, is now for sale on IndyPlanet! Check out this amazing cover and read below for details of the issue!

This hit comic series returns in this second installment full of more psychonautic wonders and intrigue!

In this issue, dive in to the ancient wonder and terror in the headliner story, DARK MEDICINE . . . that is, if you're not too afraid!

Also in this issue, a new story emerges featuring two psychonautic buddy-explorers breeching the boundaries of imagination! For those of you who are long time Moler fans, you might recognize one of the names!

If that is not enough, an amazing gallery piece from guest Jeremy Bohannon from Pop Culture Bombcast! All in all, this issue is a BLAST!

And, don't worry your pretty little heads . . . I'm knee deep at work on issue 3 (which features a guest story from author Aaron Conaway), about halfway through in fact.


And don't forget to follow me on Instagram or Facebook!
