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A selection of top published articles by Daniel. A detailed list of publications can be found on Daniel's Portfolio page. 


Invoking the Lance

In April of 2019, Daniel was recognized by none other than bestselling author Graham Hancock as Author of the Month! Asked to contribute an article to Graham's website, you can read the article (a supplement to his book Shamanic Qabalah) at


I Don't Want God Answering My Every Need

Reconsidering relationship with God, some thoughts on how individuals can have a connection with the Divine without being dependent upon it. Published in The Tattooed Buddha US online magazine.


Shaman Claus

What is the true origin of Santa Claus? Turns out the story of Santa is a veiled myth of the Siberian shaman. Published on Medium online forum. 


Embracing the Darkness: Thoughts on the Lower World

A reflection on the Lower World cosmology of cross-cultural shamanism, where the subconscious of the psyche reigns supreme. Published on The Heart of the Healer online Writer's Forum


Death's Door: Considering Our Relationship with the End

A musing on death and our relationship to it in the modern world. Published on Medium online forum. 


​Cultural Appropriation and the 'S' Word

A response to a critique regarding being white, modernized, yet drawn to shamanic practices. Published in Sacred Hoop UK magazine, Issue 92. Also published under the alternate title Nobody Owns the Word 'Shaman': Notes From a Middle Class White Man in The Tattooed Buddha US online magazine.


When Imagination Becomes Sentient

Reflections on how fictional characters begin to have a life of their own. Published in The Tattooed Buddha US online magazine.


​Why Shamanism?

A brief expose' on shamanism and why it matters in the modern world. Published in The Tattooed Buddha US online magazine.


Mystic Scholarship (or a Lack Thereof): The Importance of Understanding vs. Intuition

Why it is essential to honor academics, rather than basing one's spiritual practice solely on intuition. Published in The Tattooed Buddha US online magazine.


​An Agonizing Reappraisal: A Letter to the New Spirituality

Responding to a spiritual culture with little to no boundaries, some focus and ritual is needed. Published in The Elephant Journal US online magazine, as well as New Age News Magazine (exclusive to iPad and iPod only), New Age Spirituality's online magazine blog, as well as A Journal of Contemporary Shamanism US Magazine, Vol. 7, Issue 2.


Shamanic Reality

A breakdown of the "three worlds" of shamanic cosmology and their practical application in a modern world. Published in Indie Shaman UK magazine, Issue 18.


Beat of the Shaman

An interview with shamanic drumming musician Byron Metcalf regarding his inspiration, work, and new album Tales from the Ultra Tribe. Published in Reality Sandwich US online magazine.


Beauty Behind Barbed Wire

An interview with writer Bambi Shen, who spent part of her childhood in a Chinese internment camp and documented her life story in the memoir Uncrushable Rose. Published in Evolving US magazine, Volume 3, Issue 11.


The Universal Heart

A first-person account of Daniel's experience with a shamanic plant sacrament from Peru, wherein he is called to face his fear. Published in Sacred Hoop UK magazine, Issue 72. Previously published in other publications in 2010 (see below).


Chemo or Cannabis: How Would You Like to Treat Your Cancer?

An interview with Len Richmond, film director of What If Cannabis Cured Cancer, one of the the first notable documentaries on the healing potential of cannabis as a treatment for cancer. Published in Cannabis Culture US online magazine, Evolving US magazine, Volume 2, Issue 11. Also featured in Reality Sandwich online magazine, as well as Positive Health US magazine.


The Universal Heart

A first-person account of Daniel's experience with a shamanic plant sacrament from Peru, wherein he is called to face his fear. Published in Indie Shaman UK magazine, Issue 6. Also published in Reality Sandwich US online magazine.


Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters

A brief synopsis on the works of psychedelic philosopher Terence McKenna and his impact on counter-culture. Published in Reality Sandwich US online magazine. Daniel was later contracted to turn this article into the book Machine Elves 101.



An analysis of imagery through the visual arts of the 20th Century and the end result on human consciousness. Published in Reality Sandwich US online magazine.

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