Simon's and crew are on the run from mysterious, mystical, gun-toting strangers while we get some back story about our antagonists Skinscript and Grayson!

Simon's adventure continues as he finds the center of what is plaguing Blanca, and gets chased down by some mysterious dudes!

Something has risen from the depths and brought chaos to this reality. Will Simon and his pal Maxwell Echo III be able to stop the madness?

First Psychonaut Presents collection, containing Psychoanut Presents #1 - #4. Includes MotherVine and Dark Medicine stories, including gallery pinups by numerous indie comic artists!

Daniel's latest book from Llewellyn Worldwide, a one-stop shop for shamanic training!

It all begins here! The beginnings of the superhero universe collaboration between Daniel and writer Aaron Conaway!

Daniel's magnum opus about Qabalah from a shamanic perspective, with a foreword by curandero don Oscar Miro-Quesada!

Daniel faces death and other worlds with the legendary shamanic brew from the Amazon called ayahuasca in this new comic series!

In this second issue of the hit comic series, Daniel faces an ancient ceremony of initiation. Also, two psychonautic buddy-explorers breach the boundaries of imagination!

Dark Medicine continues with decapitation, the Simon Myth adventures get weirder, and a new story written by Aaron Conaway!

A psychedelic sci-fi novel by Daniel, with conspiracies theories, extra-dimensional aliens, and beat literature!

Daniel has a dream comic in this legendary indie title by Rick Veitch!

Daniel has a Simon Myth prelude comic AND an interview with comics legend Rick Veitch in this amazing, comix megazine!

Daniel contributed two pages for this epic bootleg in homage to Barry Windsor-smith's Weapon X run!

Daniel contributed a page to the COLOR version of this fan retelling of Batman's origin year.

Daniel and Aaron Conaway contributed a fantastic one page cartoon for this Image bootleg!

Daniel contributed the cover image to this epic tome of dystopian horror stories from Aaron Conaway!

The greatest comix megazine in the industry contains the second appearance of Daniel's MOtherVine!

The hippest comics anthology contains the first appearance of Daniel's MotherVine!

Daniel contributed an article on the creation of Despacho earth offerings.

Daniel contributed an article about shamanic ritual to the latest Llewellyn Almanac! SOLD OUT!

Daniel contributed an article about shamanic ritual to the latest Llewellyn Almanac! SOLD OUT!

Daniel contributed a chapter to this best-selling book primarily written and edited by shamanic scholar Ross Heaven.

Daniel contributed a story to this unique gaming module developed by Clint Krause!
Go to Daniel's Redbubble to order merch and prints of the images you see below!