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NEWS: Media Appearances, Vision Tales, Simon Myth, and more!
Hey All, Hope everyone is getting through these crazy times! Wanted to throw out some news and updates on what's going on in my world!...

Psychonaut Session - Interview: Rick Veitch
Welcome to Psychonaut Sessions, your home for insights, reviews, and conversations about all things psycho! This episode was an interview...

Drinks Around the Table, Season 2!
Hey All, Hope everyone's having a great start to their school year! Mine's been fabulous, because I was asked by the Grand Poobah himself...

The Complete Black Zeppelin - Psychonaut Sessions Series!
Hey Everyone! I just noticed two years ago today I posted my first Psychonaut Session review of Black Zeppelin, one of my absolute...

Psychonaut Sessions: Clara Meath
Welcome to Psychonaut Sessions, your home for insights, reviews, and conversations about all things psycho! In this episode, I sit down...

Psychonaut Sessions: Jaymi Elford and the Tarot Inspired Life
Welcome to Psychonaut Sessions, your home for insights, reviews, and conversations about all things psycho! In this episode, I sit down...

Psychonaut Sessions: Steve McArdle
In this episode, I sit down with Power Comics Hall of Famer, Steve Ace McArdle!!! Watch the vid below, and don't forget to like,...

Psychonaut Sessions: SAM & SAM (...and Daniel as well)
It's double the trouble in this episode, as I bring back both Sam J. Royale and Sam Tsohonis to the show! We hang to uncover the mystery...

Interviewed by Pagan's Witchy Corner
I was interviewed for my new book The Shamanic Soul and had a great conversation on Pagan's Witchy Corner show! You can listen on:...

Psychonaut Sessions: AARON CONAWAY
In this episode, I sit down with one of my favorite writers (and creative partner) Aaron Conaway! Watch the vid below and don't forget to...
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