Take a journey into the Mysteries with Shamanic Qabalah. Fusing Hermetic Qabalah and Peruvian shamanic practices, this book lays out a template for exploring the inner and outer worlds in the tradition of the ancients. Discover how you can make your own way through the Great Work―communing with the unseen entities and elements of the universe and achieving union with the divine. Trained in Peruvian Shamanism and in Qabalah, author Daniel Moler leads a journey through the dimensions of consciousness to help you live a sacred life in connection with the unseen and unknown Other. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide!

With a Foreword by don Osar Miro-Quesada, respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq from Peru, originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism, and author of Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life. Regarding Shamanic Qabalah, don Oscar says:
"With the passion of an enraptured mystic, the erudition of a veteran scholar and the eloquence of a virtuoso storyteller, Daniel Moler has accomplished something truly extraordinary in writing Shamanic Qabalah. Not only has he convincingly laid bare the shamanic foundations of our most enduring Western Mystery Tradition—the esoteric Jewish theosophical doctrine of Qabalah—he has simultaneously managed to demystify the raison d’être of our contemporary human estrangement from the sacred dimensions of life."
Radio Wasteland Interview
Mission: Evolution Interview
Evolve & Ascend Interview with Jeremy Johnson
Shamanic Qabalah Review by The Luminessence
Shamanic Qabalah Review by Robin Fennelly
“It is obvious to all that we live in a time of great change and things coming apart, and these include the myths that are the batteries of our belief systems that have held our society together for thousands of years. In response, the long-gone ancient mystery schools of the past are being resurrected and recreated in response to our need for them, and in this vein, Daniel Moler’s Shamanic Qabalah is a strong contribution that will appeal to modern mystics in the emerging transformational community. This is a compelling book and Mr. Moler is to be acclaimed as he has created very good medicine indeed.”
Hank Wesselman, PhD., anthropologist and author of nine books on shamanism including The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder, the award-wining Awakening to the Spirit World (with Sandra Ingerman), The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman, and the Spiritwalker Trilogy
“Shamanic Qabalah examines and then masterfully converges the mystic healing theories and practices of a variety of ancient and surviving faith traditions to reveal close commonalities among cultures as diverse as the ancient Peruvians, Hebrews and Buddhists. Extremely well-researched, “boots on the ground” researched, Molar’s “unified field” provides insight not just into ritualized practices common to peoples who have never encountered the others, but those yearnings common to all humankind from which these manifestations of hope spring. Scholarly, well organized, and enlightening.”
Gerry Stribling, Author of Buddhism for Dudes: A Jarhead’s Field Guide to Mindfulness
“Daniel Moler’s Shamanic Qabalah is a testament to the oft-forgotten truth that the many paths eventually merge into the one Great Path, the recovery of the Undivided Self. His insightful and creative examination and interpretation of Qabalah—and its correspondences to a rich array of mystical traditions and Mystery Schools from the Andean paqokuna to Tarot—is a richly detailed map to help guide us on this personal journey.”
Joan Parisi Wilcox, author of Masters of the Living Energy: The Mystical World of the Q’ero of Peru and other books, and of a blog on the Andean mystical tradition at
“It has long been trendy in occult circles to discard Qabalah as not necessary to magick. This is a bit like deleting your Google Maps app because you think you’re above getting directions from somebody else… and probably ending up driving in circles as a result! It’s therefore exciting to see people re-engaging with the Qabalah in new and creative ways, and this is exactly what Daniel Moler has done in Shamanic Qabalah, drawing on eminent sources like Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight and even, uniquely, Peruvian shamanism to explore the Qabalah not as somebody interested in dry book learning and rote memorization, but as a head-on psychonaut concerned with living, creative, psychedelic ritual.”
Jason Louv, author of John Dee and the Empire of Angels, Thee Psychick Bible, Generation Hex; teacher at Magick.Me
“Few, if any, other scholars could write such an in-depth study of some of the world's most esoteric literature on what alchemists refer to as the Great Work, as has Daniel Moler in Shamanic Qabalah. Intricately woven, yet profoundly understandable, this brilliantly conceived treatise parts the Veil to reveal the beauty of life, magic and human purpose. Rooted, yet transcendent, like the Tree of Life, itself, Shamanic Qabalah is a compendium of esoteric mysteries. Daniel Moler is a shaman and humanitarian of the highest order.
Whether used as a handbook for intense immersion into Hermetic studies, or simply read for enjoyment, every serious student of occult sciences or shamanic practices should have Shamanic Qabalah nearby. The greatest strength of this writing may be Moler's own interpretations of the symbols presented herein, for that is when he best demonstrates the clarity that makes this work so valuable. Moler's considerable depth of experience and reflection adds credibility to every author he quotes, for without Moler's insights, understanding would likely be lost. Novice, initiate or adept would do well to read and study this work. It reignited my own passions for wisdom and right action in the most spiritual of domains...physical reality.”
Steve Guettermann, Mythologist and Ritualist; author of How to Get Even with the Universe by Getting Right with the World: Working within Sacred Space and Time
“Met the Goddess last night. Glad I was reading Daniel’s book at the time!”
Eliott Edge, artist, philosopher, humorist, member of The Lifeboat Foundation, Das Ubehagen, the founder of EducatingEarth, and author of 3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape
“Shamanic Qabalah by Daniel Moler provides an in-depth guide to the esoteric ideas and practices at the core of the magical revival in the western mystery tradition that began in the late 19th century. An earlier revival took place in the first two centuries AD in the form of Gnosticism, Hermeticism and Kabala, and these have heavily influenced western esoterics since their revival in the 1880s.
Moler points out that Shamanism represents the original wellspring from which all mystical and magical traditions around the world originate, and he integrates his extensive personal knowledge and experience of Native Andean Shamanism with his equally extensive knowledge and experience of the Western Magical Tradition to re-enliven the latter, to make it more accessible and less seemingly scholastic, and to add back a bit of the old shamanic and passion and fire to it, and to give it a social and ecological conscience as well.
Moler sidesteps the Neo-Paganism and Chaoism of the late 20th century revival and develops the Platonic Pagan-Monotheism of the first and second century revival and the late 19th century revival into a Pantheism with strong spiritual and psychological theme which seems destined to find its niche in the dynamic spiritual marketplace of the 21st century.”
Peter J Carroll, co-founder of Illuminates of Thanateros and author of Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic, Liber Kaos, and The Apophenion: A Chaos Magick Paradigm