NEWS: Psychonaut Returns, Media Appearances, and More!
Heyo, everyone! I hope 2024 is finding you well! It's been a productive year for me, so let's get right down to what's the what!
That' right! My hit indie comics anthology, PSYCHONAUT PRESENTS, has made a come back! For those of you that follow me on Patreon, you have already received a preview of what is coming in PSYCHONAUT PRESENTS issue 5! Now, everyone can check it out as it is distributed by Next Panel Press!

Next Panel Press is an online, bi-weekly comic strip publishing collective in the vein of the old Sunday funnies, founded by esteemed cartoonists Rick Lopez and Craig CK. It is indeed an honor to be hosted along with such an amazing array of creators! The comics are normally distributed as one page every other week, so you will get to experience a wide array of creative talent! Don't forget to follow Next Panel Press on Instagram or Facebook so you can catch the latest and greatest Psychonaut Comics I have to offer. And the best part about it, it's for FREE!!!
If you haven't been keeping up, my comics have been featured lately in a few ways out in the world wide web, most notably an appearance on one of my favorite Youtube shows hosted by Chris Piers: PROS AND CONS!
Chris had a lot of great things to say about PSYCHONAUT PRESENTS and THE SIMON MYTH CHRONICLES! A big thanks to Chris for featuring my work!
I was also featured on the Kevin Strange Youtube Channel where fellow comics creator Dr. Ben Anthony goes through Rick Veitch's dream comic, RARE BIT FIENDS, and highlights my dream comic submission in the latest issue! A big thanks to Kevin and Dr. Ben for the spotlight!
If you haven't been paying attention, the fourth issue of THE SIMON MYTH CHRONICLES is out in the world and available to purchase online. Click on the image below to purchase the issue you need to finish off your Simon Myth collection!
Issue 5 is currently in the works which you can get early previews of on my Patreon. As of yet, I am still undecided as to whether I will continue the series in individual issues (there are 7 total) or just finish it off in one big graphic novel/trade paperback collecting the whole BROKEN CHALICE story. We shall see. There is still a strong opportunity with a prospective publisher in the works, so we will see how things flow out from there.
I have been making regular drops on my PSYCHONAUT SESSIONS Youtube channel, about three times a week. If you aren't yet subscribed, you're missing out! Writer Aaron Conaway and I have been doing regular Thursday sessions where we are reviewing the entire Ultraverse canon, as well as my own comics reviews in addition to some great interviews with amazing creators like Sam J. Royale (KALA JADOO, PARIAH, DISHOOM) and Tim Eldred (storyboard artist and director of such cartoons as TEENS TITANS, WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN, AVENGERS, BATMAN: BRAVE & THE BOLD, and more)! Go to PSYCHONAUT SESSIONS and subscribe today, then like and comment on the vids!
I have been producing a lot of video content over the summer months, but as autumn and winter settle in I tend to draw more inward. As a head's up to subscribers, after October I likely will not be posting as frequently as I have on the channel as I focus on my creative projects. Also, I will be drawing back on my frequent social media posts advertising the vids. Alas, no worries, the channel will remain live and well. So, on Youtube, be sure to ring the bell so you get notifications on when a video drops.
As noted above, my creative focus is reorienting. Making comics and art in this day and age is hard, as one has to be not just a creator, but marketer, printer, and distributor. It is a heavy task, especially for one who still has a full-time job to maintain, as well as family to tend to (as is most of the creatives I know out there). I am in my mid-40s, and I do not rely on any of my creative work financially in any way . . . there is no reason to push myself to exhaustion when all of these works I produce are a passion, not a job. What I am saying is: I may not be producing as fast in the coming months. I have a lot on my plate personally and I have no creative deadlines to meet right now. I will keep producing, but I will likely be pulling back on my social media promotion about it all quite a bit. It just takes too much time and (per research) doesn't really seem to be impacting my reach or sales. That being said, I love everyone of you who have hung and there and followed me. My contention has always been that people only truly create because they want an audience, an interaction. So, it's great to know that some of you are true fans that appreciate my work! I LOVE YOU DEARLY!
That being said, I am still working slowly on my books INVISIBLE HORIZONS and SINAI. SINAI especially has been on my mind and truly is becoming a passion project. It has been a while since I wrote a novel, but I have been very happy with the results. I may post snippets on here and my Patreon in the future. Stay tuned.
Y'all stay safe out there! And . . . KEEP IT PSYCHO!!!!