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THE SHAMANIC SOUL - Coming June 8th!

A week from now my new book, THE SHAMANIC SOUL, will be released from Llewellyn Worldwide publishing. You can still pre-order the book before its June 8th release date!

THE SHAMANIC SOUL is quite special to me. Not only am I lucky enough to have a foreword by best-selling, witchy author Jason Mankey, but this book relays a more personal account of my spiritual journey. I did my best to create an accessible, easy-to-read narrative of some of the challenges I have had to face in my life and how shamanic practice helped heal me and navigate my consciousness to a better sense of self. I explore the history and primary concepts of shamanism, specifically rooted in the lineage of northern coastal Peruvian curanderismo, as well as provide a series of practices for the reader to begin their own work in shamanic self-training.


I am also honored to have so many wonderful endorsements from across the metaphysical community, including from the top anthropological experts in Peruvian curanderismo such as Bonnie Glass-Coffin, PhD and Douglas Sharon, PhD. Check out this glowing review from Dr. Sharon:

Daniel Moler’s The Shamanic Soul—in the tradition of one of his principal mentors, don Oscar Miro-Quesada—is a practical, clearly articulated “translation” of the therapeutic practices of Peruvian shamanism. Enhancing the author’s credibility is the manner in which he openly shares his personal growth showing how these techniques contributed to his own spiritual quest and that the key to successful initiation lies within the reach of each and every sincere seeker. Moler also shows how these practices have much in common with many of the mystical traditions of the world, which have tended to be esoteric and elitist. This exclusivity is not the case with Peruvian mysticism. In this sense Moler’s text is very democratic. It is offered in the same spirit as that of my Peruvian mentor, don Eduardo Calderón Palomino who had the following to say about his shamanic practices:
"Everything related to curanderismo (curing) is discoverable simply through the study of natural forces applied to these so-called mysteries that are not mysteries. Rather, they are very, very susceptible to those persons who really feel the desire to learn. It is necessary to teach all so that they know what is about. One must never keep secrets—secrets that are not secrets. Rather, one must bring all out into the light (Wizard of the Four Winds, 1978).”

Douglas Sharon, Ph.D., Director (Ret.) San Diego Museum of Man, P.A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley

To have such an endorsement from such a prestigious individual, and to relate my work to the great, legendary curandero don Eduardo Calderón Palomino, is deeply humbling!

You can pre-order my book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, directly from Llewellyn, or at any other major book distributor.

As if all of this awesomeness wasn't enough, you can check out some of my media appearances talking about THE SHAMANIC SOUL on some of coolest shows in the biz:




AND, AND, AND there is more!!!

If you are in the Kansas City Metro area, I will be having a book launch party at KC's greatest metaphysical bookstore, Aquarius! Come hang out with me, listen to some groovy tunes by local band Bohemians Dandelions, have some drinks, and let's chat about all the things!


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